PRAYER: When You Can't Understand God's Plan

Hey Reader,

Sometimes, God’s plan feels invisible, and we’re left wondering why things are unfolding as they are.

Life’s twists can leave us struggling, asking God, “Where are You in this?” Yet, even in times of confusion, prayer remains a pathway to God’s heart—a place to bring our doubts, questions, and pain.

When our prayers seem to go unanswered, or we’re unable to make sense of our circumstances, it can feel like God is far away.

David, who knew God so closely, cried out in Psalm 13:1-2, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?”

His honest plea reminds us we can be real with God, bringing every emotion—even doubt and frustration—to Him.

​We’re thrilled to share that Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments is now available!

  • Perfect for Busy Days: Listen anytime—during commutes, workouts, or daily routines
  • Inspiring Narration: Rachel Wojo’s story and biblical insights come to life, guiding you from desperation to faith
  • (Order through the link wherever you buy books)

Highlights Include:

🪻How Weak Prayers Lead to Strong Faith

🪻How Do I Offer A Sacrifice of Praise?

🪻What to Do When God Seems Silent

🪻Hope for the Hurting: Bible Verses in Seasons of Sorrow

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11-18-24 Myrtle Beach, SC/ Christian Communicator's Collective

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Copyright © 2024 - Rachel Wojo

Rachel Wojo

Life feeling chaotic? Many people struggle to hold on to faith in God when they hit the storms of life. As a mom, I've lost a daughter. As a daughter, I've lost my mom. And dad. I know the words you need to hear. With my beautiful, biblical resources, you’ll clear your head and calm your heart no matter the chaos of life.

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